
Goddess of the hunt and the moon. Personifies the independent, achievement-oriented feminine spirit.

Virgin Goddess

Ability to set goals and reach them
Friendship with women

Emotional distance

Also know as Diana, is The huntress, carrying a bow and arrows and seen as the forever young goddess. She is proud of her shapeliness and keeps her virginity to protect it. She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto and twin sister of Apollo. The deer and the cypress are sacred to her. She was the goddess of forests and hills, child birth, virginity, fertility, the hunt. She was a warrior, joining Apollo to kill Python and other exploits. Anyone who offended her or tried to win her virginity paid dearly. They were killed, transformed, or mutilated. She defended modesty and punished illicit love and excesses. She avenged rape. She also took out her anger on those virgins who gave in to love. She did not mind marriage, but when a virgin married she was to give up all the things of childhood, toys and dolls, locks of hair, etc., leaving them on her altar.